mercoledì 17 settembre 2008

what's new...with the moon?

The front side on the moon is just a bit... radioactive; much more than the dark side!
That's what we learn from the scientific centers: there is a high presence of Thorium on the front side and at this distance we should not be in danger; however everybody knows that during full-moon days too many people feel a bit "different", I mean, nervous, sad, energetic, or even too "electric", as it was told in the past for the people transformed in wolves, and witches getting crazy...
Well I never could think it was just because of the sea tides, it was so illogical. Now I can easily suppose that the light of the sun reflecting the front side of the moon, might bring to the earth thousands of particules of thorium that hit us and transformes our physical and thus psychological stability.

What do you think about it?

Don't be afraid, of course I could be a whitch, but there's no full-moon at the moment, so there's no danger to give your opinion...!


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